Results for 'Elsa Ngar-Sze Lau'

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  1.  13
    Is Mindfulness Linked to Life Satisfaction? Testing Savoring Positive Experiences and Gratitude as Mediators.Rebecca Y. M. Cheung & Elsa Ngar-Sze Lau - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Grounded in Mindfulness-to-Meaning Theory, this study examined the relation between dispositional mindfulness and life satisfaction through mediating mechanisms including savoring positive experiences and gratitude. A total of 133 Chinese mindfulness practitioners at 20–72 years old were recruited from a 3-day transnational meditation event in Hong Kong. Findings based on structural equation modeling indicated that controlling for sex, age, education, family income, number of hours of mindfulness practice per week, and type of administration, dispositional mindfulness was associated with satisfaction with life (...)
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    Primary School Students’ Online Learning During Coronavirus Disease 2019: Factors Associated With Satisfaction, Perceived Effectiveness, and Preference.Xiaoxiang Zheng, Dexing Zhang, Elsa Ngar Sze Lau, Zijun Xu, Zihuang Zhang, Phoenix Kit Han Mo, Xue Yang, Eva Chui Wa Mak & Samuel Y. S. Wong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Emergency online education has been adopted worldwide due to coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Prior research regarding online learning predominantly focused on the perception of parents, teachers, and students in tertiary education, while younger children’s perspectives have rarely been examined. This study investigated how family, school, and individual factors would be associated with primary school students’ satisfaction, perceived effectiveness, and preference in online learning during COVID-19. A convenient sample of 781 Hong Kong students completed an anonymous online survey from June to (...)
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    A Brief Mindfulness-Based Family Psychoeducation Intervention for Chinese Young Adults With First Episode Psychosis: A Study Protocol.Herman Hay-Ming Lo, Wing-Chung Ho, Elsa Ngar-Sze Lau, Chun-Wai Lo, Winnie W. S. Mak, Siu-Man Ng, Samuel Yeung-Shan Wong, Jessica Oi-Yin Wong, Simon S. Y. Lui, Cola Siu-Lin Lo, Edmund Chiu-Lun Lin, Man-Fai Poon, Kong Choi & Cressida Wai-Ching Leung - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Perceptions and Challenges of Engineering and Science Transfer Students From Community College to University in a Chinese Educational Context.Yui-yip Lau, Yuk Ming Tang, Nicole S. N. Yiu, Ceci Sze Wing Ho, Wilson Yeung Yuk Kwok & Kin Cheung - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In Hong Kong, transfer students encounter different challenges unfolding in their transition from community college to university study. However, limited research has been conducted to explore their discipline-specific challenges. To address this gap, in this study three engineering and science faculties were selected from which to collect data through 35 in-depth interviews with transfer students, followed by a thorough thematic analysis. With the concept of in-betweenness, three main themes were identified: “shifted the focus of study” academic excellence in community college; (...)
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    What makes a theory of consciousness unscientific?Michal Klincewicz, Tony Cheng, Joel Snyder, Michael Schmitz, Miguel Angel Sebastian, Derek H. Arnold, Mark G. Baxter, Tristan A. Bekinschtein, Yoshua Bengio, James W. Bisley, Jacob Browning, Dean Buonomano, David Carmel, Marisa Carrasco, Peter Carruthers, Olivia Carter, Dorita H. F. Chang, Ian Charest, Mouslim Cherkaoui, Axel Cleeremans, Michael A. Cohen, Philip R. Corlett, Kalina Christoff, Sam Cumming, Cody A. Cushing, Beatrice de Gelder, Felipe De Brigard, Daniel C. Dennett, Nadine Dijkstra, Paul E. Dux, Adrien Doerig, Stephen M. Fleming, Keith Frankish, Chris D. Frith, Sarah Garfinkel, Melvyn A. Goodale, Jacqueline Gottlieb, Jake R. Hanson, Ran R. Hassin, Michael H. Herzog, Cecilia Heyes, Po-Jang Hsieh, Shao-Min Hung, Robert Kentridge, Tomas Knapen, Nikos Konstantinou, Konrad Kording, Timo L. Kvamme, Sze Chai Kwok, Renzo C. Lanfranco & Hakwan Lau - 2025 - Nature Neuroscience 28 (4):1-5.
    Theories of consciousness have a long and controversial history. One well-known proposal — integrated information theory — has recently been labeled as ‘pseudoscience’, which has caused a heated open debate. Here we discuss the case and argue that the theory is indeed unscientific because its core claims are untestable even in principle.
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    Neuroenhancement of Memory for Children with Autism by a Mind–Body Exercise.Agnes S. Chan, Yvonne M. Y. Han, Sophia L. Sze & Eliza M. Lau - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    A Letter from Elsa Tamez to all Christians of Latin America and the Caribbean.Elsa Tamez - 2005 - Feminist Theology 14 (1):13-15.
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    Les vies vides: notre besoin de reconnaissance est impossible à rassasier.Elsa Godart - 2023 - Malakoff: Armand Colin.
    De l'anonyme le plus discret au professeur le plus admiré, nombre d'entre nous cherche son quart d'heure de gloire. Ce penchant, exposé, exploité et nourri par la présence des médias et des réseaux sociaux dans notre quotidien devient un phénomène de société majeur. Quelle est l'origine de ce besoin de visibilité, de cette quête insatiable de notoriété, de cette soif inextinguible de reconnaissance? Après quoi court ce monde qui tourne autour de la popularité? Pour répondre à ces questions, Elsa (...)
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  9. The Emperor's New Phenomenology? The Empirical Case for Conscious Experience without First-Order Representations.Hakwan Lau & Richard Brown - 2018 - In Adam Pautz & Daniel Stoljar, Blockheads! Essays on Ned Block’s Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness. new york: MIT Press.
    We discuss cases where subjects seem to enjoy conscious experience when the relevant first-order perceptual representations are either missing or too weak to account for the experience. Though these cases are originally considered to be theoretical possibilities that may be problematical for the higher-order view of consciousness, careful considerations of actual empirical examples suggest that this strategy may backfire; these cases may cause more trouble for first-order theories instead. Specifically, these cases suggest that (I) recurrent feedback loops to V1 are (...)
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  10. Dating apps and the digital sexual sphere.Elsa Kugelberg - 2025 - American Political Science Review:1-25.
    The online dating application has in recent years become a major avenue for meeting potential partners. But while the digital public sphere has gained the attention of political philosophers, a systematic normative evaluation of issues arising in the ‘digital sexual sphere’ is lacking. I provide a philosophical framework for assessing dating app corporation conduct, capturing why people use these apps and their experience so often is unsatisfactory. Identifying dating apps as agents intervening in a social institution necessary for the reproduction (...)
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  11.  88
    A Step Forward: Ethics Education Matters!Cubie L. L. Lau - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (4):565-584.
    Ethics education matters! Contrary to some common beliefs that ethical behavior is inborn, this study suggests that education does matter. This paper examines ethics education and its relationship with students’ ethical awareness and moral reasoning. Attitudes Towards Business Ethics Questionnaire and 10 vignettes were deployed as the major measurement instruments. It is hypothesized that students with ethics education will have both a greater ethical awareness and ability to make more ethical decisions. Hypotheses were tested in two undergraduate business courses at (...)
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  12.  58
    Corporate Social Responsibility in China: A Corporate Governance Approach.ChungMing Lau, Yuan Lu & Qiang Liang - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (1):73-87.
    This study examines the effects of corporate governance mechanisms on CSR performance in an emerging economy, China. Because of the need of gaining legitimacy in the new institutional context, Chinese firms have to adopt global CSR practices in order to remain competitive. Using the corporate governance framework, this study examines how board composition, ownership, and TMT composition influence corporate social performance. The propositions are tested using data gathered from 471 firms in China. By and large, empirical findings supported the hypothesized (...)
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  13.  60
    The experience of freedom in decisions – Questioning philosophical beliefs in favor of psychological determinants.Stephan Lau, Anette Hiemisch & Roy F. Baumeister - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33 (C):30-46.
  14.  10
    Imaginarios educativos y espacios arquitectónicos.Elsa María Bocanegra - 2017 - Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Externado de Colombia, Centro de Investigaciones sobre Dinámica Social.
    Este libro aborda la relación entre arquitectura y mentalidades educativas. Muestra cómo los imaginarios dominantes son materializados en los espacios arquitectónicos de los colegios oficiales de Bogotá, al captar los movimientos sociales y culturales que los impulsan. Se parte del hecho de que los espacios arquitectónicos nos rodean y nos en-vuelven, y están presentes en cada detalle de nuestras vidas; así, un espacio particular, un rincón, una esquina, un salón o una habitación, que por momentos son o fueron parte de (...)
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  15.  42
    Ancient Etymology and the Enigma of Okeanos.Elsa Bouchard - 2020 - Rhizomata 8 (1):107-131.
    Okeanos is at once a mythological figure and a philosophical concept appearing in many ancient accounts of the world. A frequent object of allegoresis, his cosmological role and his name posed an enigma to Homer’s readers, especially those with a rationalizing bent. This paper proposes that the paradoxical representation of Okeanos as a primordial generative power and a geographical limit may be explained by the influence of etymological speculation, which was a popular heuristic method used by Greek intellectuals from the (...)
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    End of life decisions: Tragic choices in neo-natalogy.Elsa Gisquet & Erhard Friedberg - 2011 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 5 (1):26-36.
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    Preface.M. I. Lau, T. Neugebauer & U. Schmidt - 2014 - Theory and Decision 77 (3):287-290.
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    Ryan C. Fowler.Elsa Giovanna Simonetti - forthcoming - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition.
  19.  37
    Thinking and Ignoring Conscience.Jennifer Ang Mei Sze - 2009 - Philosophy Today 53 (2):204-212.
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    On general purpose unifying automata.David L. Székely - 1964 - Jerusalem,: Jerusalem.
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    The Conflict between Vinaya and the Chinese Monastic Rule: The Dilemma of Disciplinarian Venerable Hung-i.Sze-Bong Tso - 1991 - In Charles Wei-Hsun Fu & Sandra Ann Wawrytko, Buddhist ethics and modern society: an international symposium. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 69--80.
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    Waiting by mistake: Symbolic representation of rewards modulates intertemporal choice in capuchin monkeys, preschool children and adult humans.Elsa Addessi, Francesca Bellagamba, Alexia Delfino, Francesca De Petrillo, Valentina Focaroli, Luigi Macchitella, Valentina Maggiorelli, Beatrice Pace, Giulia Pecora, Sabrina Rossi, Agnese Sbaffi, Maria Isabella Tasselli & Fabio Paglieri - 2014 - Cognition 130 (3):428-441.
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    Direct and Multiplicative Effects of Ethical Dispositions and Ethical Climates on Personal Justice Norms: A Virtue Ethics Perspective.Victor P. Lau & Yin Yee Wong - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (2):279-294.
    From virtue ethics and interactionist perspectives, we hypothesized that personal justice norms (distributive and procedural justice norms) were shaped directly and multiplicatively by ethical dispositions (equity sensitivity and need for structure) and ethical climates (egoistic, benevolent, and principle climates). We collected multisource data from 123 companies in Hong Kong, with personal factors assessed by participants’ self-reports and contextual factors by aggregations of their peers. In general, LISREL analyses with latent product variables supported the direct and multiplicative relationships. Our findings could (...)
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  24. A higher order Bayesian decision theory of consciousness.H. C. Lau - 2008 - In Rahul Banerjee & Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Models of brain and mind: physical, computational, and psychological approaches. Boston: Elsevier.
  25.  59
    In search of human uniqueness: P. M. Kappeler and J. Silk : Mind the gap: Tracing the origins of human universals. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2010, 503pp, €69,95 PB.Elsa Addessi - 2010 - Metascience 20 (3):533-536.
    In search of human uniqueness Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9472-6 Authors Elsa Addessi, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione, Via Ulisse Aldrovandi, 16/b, 00197 Rome, Italy Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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  26. Audience, poetic justice, and aesthetic value in Aristotle's Poetics.Elsa Bouchard - 2012 - In I. Sluiter & Ralph Mark Rosen, Aesthetic value in classical antiquity. Boston: Brill.
  27.  11
    Le conflit des perceptions.Elsa Boyer - 2015 - [Paris]: Éditions MF. Edited by Catherine Malabou.
    Nous sommes aujourd'hui confrontés, à travers les objets techniques comme la réalité virtuelle ou, plus quotidiennement les images des jeux vidéo, à un changement qui affecte non pas les objets de la perception mais la perception elle-même. Ce changement a un nom qui est aussi un des grands impensés de la philosophie du XXe siècle : la «perception artificielle». A travers les textes d'Edmund Husserl, Jacques Derrida et Bernard Stiegler et en s'appuyant sur des cas empruntés tant aux jeux vidéos (...)
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  28. La OEA y la democracia en el siglo XXI.Elsa Cardozo - 2010 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (36).
    Estas páginas examinan la naturaleza del desafío presente a las democracias latinoamericanas desde la perspectiva de relevantes compromisos democráticos hemisféricos. A la luz de tales compromisos, la reciente crisis política hondureña puede ser considerada una grave regresión: no simplemente por la intervención militar en el derrocamiento de José Manuel Zelaya, sino por el abandono del concepto de que la democracia es un derecho humano y es deber de los gobiernos preservarla y defenderla. Palabras clave: OEA; Carta Democrática Interamericana; Perú; Venezuela; (...)
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  29.  5
    Educación y persona.Elsa M. Casanova - 1990 - Pamplona: EUDENA.
  30. Tradition Und Translation Zum Problem der Interkulturellen Ubersetzbarkeit Religioser Phanomene; Festschrift Fur Carsten Colpe Zum 65. Geburtstag.Christoph Elsas & Carsten Colpe - 1994
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  31. Introducción: La Filosofía Como Brújula Del Presente.Elsa Esteban & Domingo Garcia-Marza - 2004 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi:5-11.
    RECERCA se presenta este año 2004, siguiendo la linea abierta en su nueva época, como espacio de análisis y reflexión filosófico-crítica del presente. Ninguna publicación actual se resiste a subrayar que si bien la filosofía ha estado siempre comprometida con su tiempo, tal compromiso ha variado en intensidad y métodos en las tres últimas décadas. El número que tiene en sus manos viene a confirmar estos cambios dado que todos los artículos, pese a que abordan problemas y esferas distintas —bioética, (...)
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  32.  12
    Laozi: quest for the ultimate reality: an appreciation of the Dao De Jing.Yeow-Kok Lau & Jingwei - 2011 - Singapore: Jingwei.
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    Scale invariance of temporal order discrimination using complex, naturalistic events.Sze Chai Kwok & Emiliano Macaluso - 2015 - Cognition 140:111-121.
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    Abbreviations.Peter H. W. Lau - 2010 - In Identity and Ethics in the Book of Ruth: A Social Identity Approach. De Gruyter.
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  35. Müller-Freienfels, Richard, Grundzüge einer Lebenspsychologie. Band 2.Ernst Lau - 1926 - Kant Studien 31:605.
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  36. Should scientists think?Hakwan Lau - manuscript
    In my field of consciousness research, scientists frequently mock philosophers for their apparent uselessness. There are many issues about which philosophers have debated for centuries, and yet there are no satisfying resolutions. However, sometimes one thinks: what really is philosophy but careful thinking? Certainly that cannot be completely useless? It is therefore particularly refreshing to read Machado and Silva's article in this issue, which emphasizes the role of conceptual analysis in psychological research.
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  37. To What Extent Can Phenomenology Do Justice to Chinese Philosophy? A Phenomenological Reading of Laozi.Kwok-Ying Lau - 2016 - In Phenomenology and Intercultural Understanding: Toward a New Cultural Flesh. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Reseña de "Razones e interpretaciones: La filosofía después de Davidson" de Waldomiro Silva-Filho y Carlos E. Caorsi (comp.).Elsa Marisa Muguruz - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (43):150-154.
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    ESTEBAN, JOSÉ MIGUEL, Variaciones del pragmatismo en la filosofía contemporánea. Morelos, México, 2006, 308 págs.Elsa Muro - 2007 - Anuario Filosófico:498-501.
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  40.  12
    Cuentos breves, historias largas: filosofar situado desde Catamarca.Elsa Ponce - 2022 - Catamarca, Argentina: El Guadal Editora.
  41.  35
    Economic Determination in the Last Instance: China's Political- Economic Development Under the Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis.Raymond Lau - 2001 - Historical Materialism 8 (1):215-252.
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    Report From Hong Kong.Shelley Lau - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (3):364.
    Hong Kong is a territory of only 400 square miles in size, but with a large population of six million people. We have excellent medical facilities in both the public and private sector and the general health indices of the population are good, with low infant mortality rates and long life expectancies.
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  43.  24
    The search for neurological correlates of eidetic imagery.Elsa M. Siipola - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):617-617.
  44.  72
    The Tao of Painting: A Study of the Ritual Disposition of Chinese Painting, with a Translation of the "Chieh Tzŭ Yüan Hua Chuan," or Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting, 1679-1701.Mai-mai Sze - 1957 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 16 (2):279-281.
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    The dialectical method of thinking.Edmond Bordeaux Székely - 1970 - San Diego,: Academy of Creative Living.
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  46.  25
    El poder Del Lugar Y su potencial político en la legitimación de la(s) memoria(s) Del conflicto político armado.Elsa Blair Trujillo - 2013 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 34 (108).
    El artículo apunta a desarrollar una reflexión sobre el tema de las memorias del conflicto político armado y/o de la guerra, que podría contribuir a potenciar políticamente los esfuerzos y las iniciativas de muchas organizaciones de víctimas en el país. En las propuestas que viene haciendo la geopolítica crítica en el marco de discusiones del pensamiento social contemporáneo, específicamente en lo referente a la importancia del espacio en los procesos sociales y políticos —lo que, de paso, cuestiona la concepción estadocéntrica (...)
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  47. Rationality in capuchin monkey's feeding behavior?Elsa Addessi & Visalberghi & Elisabetta - 2006 - In Susan Hurley & Matthew Nudds, Rational Animals? Oxford University Press.
  48. Charismatic Exegesis: Philo and Paul Compared.Sze-Kar Wan - 1994 - The Studia Philonica Annual 6:54-82.
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    The Viability of Confucian Transcendence: Grappling with Tu Weiming’s Interpretation of the Zhongyong.Sze-kar Wan - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (4):407-421.
    Weiming’s notion of transcendence in terms both of its legitimacy as an interpretation of Confucianism and of its viability as an answer to modern challenges. An examination of Tu’s hermeneutical assumptions in his Zhongyong commentary leads to a discussion of his locating transcendence in the subjectivity of the junzi, the profound person. Calling the self-cultivation self-knowledge, Tu makes explicit the religious character of the xin, the basis of self-cultivation, and its transcendent character, because it is endowed from heaven. However, because (...)
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  50. Self destructive and self creative philosophies of life.Elsa A. Whalley - 1970 - Humanitas 6:95.
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